Wednesday, November 14, 2012


Have you been hearing some of the vote fraud whispers?

I won't link to them. You can find them easily enough. Districts with nearly 20,000 Obama votes and not one Romney vote. Think about that a moment: not even one ballot error? To be so error-free requires a little assistance, though in an all-black inner city area Romney supporters are pretty rare. There were counties in Colorado with more voters than residents. Something wrong with the census, maybe? It probably wasn't military ballots from overseas; they'd be legal residents, and in any event they're often effectively disenfranchised because many states haven't fulfilled their obligations.

Just because you failed to win a state you expected to doesn't imply fraud anywhere.

Was there fraud? You bet. They voted in Chicago too. Did fraud change the outcome of the presidential race? Probably not. I'd guess most of the effort went into local races.

Are we going to hear about any convictions for fraud?


  • In an area with almost no fraud, you won't hear about what isn't there.
  • In areas with a lot of fraud, you also won't hear about it, partly because of shielding by the powers that be and partly because it is part of the water people swim in.
  • Only in areas with previously little fraud would you be at all likely to hear about it, and even there I doubt there'd be enough evidence to convict anybody, especially if they're careful to do their work without witnesses. Somebody will blab (3 can keep a secret if 2 are dead) but that won't be good enough to convict anybody with any connections.


  1. Diminishing or increasing, that is the question.

    If this is hold-over from old machine politics, still strong in a few places but on its way out, I can't get excited. I am more worried that these are trial-and-error attempts to steal votes more efficiently, and one of these days someone is going to do it very well and catch us by surprise.

  2. I don't believe old machine politics is on the way out. I'm pretty sure the 18K to 0 vote was real voters, but real voters with help filling out the ballots. The mail-in ballots seem tailor-made for machine-style vote gathering. They don't even need to raise the dead for the occasion if they can gather enough of the folks who usually don't vote. It is most efficient in the densely populated area, which are typically Democrat anyhow, or at least big government, so the fraud will favor Democrats.

    I'm not persuaded Republicans would be more honest given the same temptations.
