Saturday, June 22, 2019

DNA dating

Japan has lots of fads: DNA dating caught the Telegraph's eye.
Its concept is simple: based on the survivalist scientific theory that people with the most diverse DNA are the most attracted to one another, participants are required to simply provide a saliva swab.

This is then analysed by scientists, with a particular focus on HLA, a gene complex with more than 16,000 variations which are commonly associated with immune system regulation and are also believed play a key role in attraction levels between humans.

The company is then able to match up potential couples based on how similar or different their HLA genes are – with 100 per cent compatibility issued to couples who have a zero HLA match, while the compatibility figure shrinks when there are higher rates of HLA similarities.

I wonder. The more different they are, the more likely there are going to be DNA-linked personality differences. "Opposites attract:" sometimes: so do similar people.

Most fads don't have staying power. I suspect this one won't either; and it focusses on dating, not on children. When the Chinese work up a version of it, it might be mandatory.


  1. I don't think the survivalists are right about genetic diversity. It's a cute idea, but I doubt it works.

  2. I don't disagree. Fads are based on extremely flimsy foundations sometimes.
