Sunday, June 23, 2019

Making people

AI is still a hot topic, with lots of advances and almost advances. Robots look almost human and almost do human things.

At the art museum we saw amazingly complex cabinetry.

Despite these wonderful things, the most amazing and complex things you are likely to see are other human beings. Complicated, creative, fascinating, hopefully loveable, unique--works of art. And we get to make more.

The winds of the age tell us no, there are too many people ("I love mankind, it's people I can't stand"), or disparage parents as lower class ("breeders" or "popping out babies"). The voices of the age love to abstract people into faceless groups for easier manipulation. What they're not so good at is noticing that the man in front of you is irreplaceable, and wouldn't be here if other people hadn't engendered and raised him.

We see so many people that we take them for granted, as most people take sparrows for granted and don't appreciate their design and individuality. And we take the parents for granted. "Being a parent isn't real work, it's common, and it's less important than my work."

I've heard the phrase "making babies," but that's only the start. We're "making people," in miracles so common they're invisible. Except perhaps to the new parents.

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