Sunday, July 04, 2021

More travel notes

You are never 100% involved in someone else's life, and the tributes at the funeral will hold some surprises, from people who were part of her life but not yours. Not bad surprises; more of "I wish I could have been there too."

Sometimes family you haven't seen in years have a great deal to talk about.

OTOH, one sometimes finds great opportunity to hold one's tongue. (They mean well.)

Dogs can be remarkably patient wrt toddlers pulling on their noses.

Billboards sometimes seem to assume that you've watched TV. When I see "Live mas" I think "Dead weight," but that's probably not the meaning. (A famous taco chain)

At first I thought the hotel had invested in heated toilet seats, and wondered how that worked in such inexpensive-looking plastic fixtures. It turned out they had some plumbing problems with their hot and cold water tanks--and the latter wasn't working at all. Hot water everywhere.

Cell phones are easily portable, and also easily lose-able.


  1. I came over before bedtime expressly because I wondered why you hadn't posted for a while. So you have been traveling.

    I have written a few times about funerals, partly from morbid fascination, partly because they are occasions of incongruity that cause one to see things from a new angle.

  2. Yes, my mother. She was 92. We'd been losing her for a few years.
