Saturday, September 25, 2021

Parkinson's Law: Injelititis

Have I recommended this before? Never mind, I recommend it again. Each chapter is a tongue-in-cheek but insightful look at organizations and how they fuddle things. The first is a famous observation about the growth of management.

From Parkinson's Law, Chapter 8: Injelititis, or Palsied Parlysis:

If the head of the organization is second-rate, he will see to it that his immediate staff are all third-rate; and they will, in turn, see to it that their subordinates are fourth-rate. There will soon be an actual competition in stupidity, people pretending to be even more brainless than they are.


  1. The very smartest people I have worked with have striven to get other very smart people around them.

    I admit this may be convenient memory on my part.

  2. Luke Skywalker showed Kyp Durron mercy and grace, both of which appear to be anathema to the SJW ethos.
