Saturday, December 21, 2024

Human sacrifice

Spencer Klavan reviews a documentary about Lily Phillips, the woman who had sex with 100 men in one day for OnlyFans. I will not be watching the documentary, much less OnlyFans – sometimes curiosity can be an ugly thing, and sometimes dangerous to the soul. I'll take Klavan's observations of the documentary as accurate, and avoid the other for obvious reasons.
No one described the situation more clearly, or more fearsomely, than the anonymous viewer who wrote, “So weird, it's like watching someone commit suicide but they are still alive.”

I gather from what Klavan wrote that Lily's words in the interview were of empowerment—the ideology of antinomian liberation—while her manner spoke of torment. The ideology/religion of limitless emancipation demands some examples: prove you mean what you say about limitless pleasure. Even when your nature rebels against the lies your mind affirms.

In 2024 we are all extremely comfortable talking about “systems” of injustice and oppression, disembodied mechanisms and algorithms with the power to influence and entrap us. What distinguishes these forces from those that older authors called “powers of the air?” Less and less, it would seem. The medievals probably attributed consciousness and intention to these powers in a way we do not. Are we more justified than they were?

His description sounds like a human sacrifice.


  1. That is one of the most horrific snares I've ever heard of. Praying for her.

  2. "'Hush! Something's happening,'' said Puddleglum.
    "The Knight was moaning. His face was as pale as putty, and he writhed in his bonds. And whether because she was sorry for him, or for some other reason, Jill thought that he looked a nicer sort of man than he had looked before.
    "'Ah,' he groaned. 'Enchantments, enchantments ... the heavy, tangled, cold, clammy web of evil magic. Buried alive. Dragged down under the earth, down into the sooty blackness ... how many years is it? ... Have I lived ten years, or a thousand years, in the pit? Maggotmen all around me. Oh, have mercy. Let me out, let me go back. Let me feel the wind and see the sky ... There used to be a little pool. When you looked down into it you could see all the trees growing upside-down in the water, all green, and below them, deep, very deep, the blue sky.'"
    --The Silver Chair

  3. Last I checked, having sex with 100 people in one day will wear you out in a hurry. Wrex in "Mass Effect 3" found that out the hard way.

  4. I don't think we can liberate ourselves from our own nature, but some certainly go to great lengths in trying.
