Wednesday, January 29, 2025


by Susanna Clarke. AVI recommended Piranesi. It sounded interesting, and our library system, with about 40 copies, had 51 holds. I got a call from the library about 3 days later -- the book must circulate quickly.

Long ago I read a short story about an infinite library full of books of random letters--probably Borges', but I don't recall the name, just the myth. The protagonist, called Piranesi (he's sure it isn't his name), lives in a statue-bedecked infinite house, with room after room, the bottom of the three stories washed by the sea.

Fortunately for the reader there's some meaning and discovery in the story, and struggles with memory and against madness.

As AVI notes, there are plenty of references to other writers, most of which I probably missed. I had to look up who Piranesi was, for exaample, and I didn't recognize most of the sculptures.

If you've a taste for mythic writing (like the infinite library story), or the patience for it while the mystery is solved, read it.

I'll probably never re-read it.

UPDATE: I probably should have waited a few hours before reviewing a work aimed at myth. There are a couple of other things: Although it was only touched on at the end, the other world seems to be a world of archetypes, but we only live as instances of ourselves; what happens if we try to live among the archetypes? (The Place of the Lion?) And of course, how much of us is our memory?

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