Given who Oswald was, and what kind of life he'd led, the obvious suspicion is that the Soviets had directed him. Maybe they did, maybe not -- it would be hard to prove, especially this late. But what should have been the US reaction if they had? Would we risk nuclear war for revenge (and some kind of retaliation would certainly have been on everybody's mind)?
The discussions of how much injury we'd be willing to take without pulling the trigger would be useful information for modern enemies, and I can see multiple presidents saying "Let's not talk about this," and keeping any historical conversations under wraps.
I wonder if I was right.
I doubt if that kind of stuff was much debated in the Warren Commission. Along the same line though there's the possibility the documentation might indicate a much higher degree of penetration into the old KGB and the Soviet government than we've previously assumed. Assuming they wanted to avoid a war over it, the Soviets might have even voluntarily cooperated with us to investigate Oswald.