Friday, March 28, 2008

Cone again

There's a medium-long interview with James Cone available. I listened to it (don't try to watch--the sound is out of synch). It sounds very much like the Bibliotheca Sacra analysis on House's site (offline now) was correct in stating that BLT makes "black" experience the touchstone for revelation, deprecates Bible, and interprets all human relationships in terms of power. Cone is not consistent in his analysis, of course. He claims that all religion is violent when associated with the powerful, even if there isn't any overt violence; but then goes on to say that the powerful always use religion. Therefore the only true religion is that of the oppressed. If they become powerful--then what? Their religion in turn becomes "violent." Unless this time it magically happens to bring on the Kingdom of God.

The sanctity of the oppressed is such a fundamental part of this system that I think I can finally understand why conspiracy theories like "AIDS was created to destroy black people" or "the government spread cocaine among black people" are so popular. Aside from the usual gnostic attraction of such theories, they provide this generation with their own oppression to make them holy. This generation has no separate water fountains or Jim Crow laws, and much less overt racism to face (yes, I hear things, and things have changed), and in fact can see programs like affirmative action intended to help them. They have to have something that makes them oppressed, and therefore morally better than the rest.

So it is good to have a list of grievances, the more dramatic the better--never mind their accuracy or relevancy. It isn't just a matter of being able to blame your situation on somebody else--it makes you better than them because you are thereby identified with Jesus.

If you have the stomach for it, watch the video.

Is Cone a worse heretic than Osteen (for example)? They both turn the Kingdom of God into money and power here and now. Cone is certainly more hateful, but frustrate somebody who thinks they're entitled to prosperity and see what bubbles up.

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