Saturday, February 13, 2010

Other writers

For those not familiar with Anthony Daniels (aka Theodore Dalrymple), he's a retired doctor with an excellent writing style and a sideways eye on society. He takes a clear-eyed look at a writer more popular in the US than in Britain: Ayn Rand. I think she stunk as a writer and as a philosopher; though she had a clear vision--almost prescient--of the motives and methods of the leaders of the progressive movement. She'd seen them up close in Russia already.

And Mark Steyn has an interesting (not quite complete, but interesting) take on trends in Western culture and a wonderfully lively style: read an example on decline of nations. Of course you may not see declines in the West, but check what he has to say anyway--you might end up quoting him.

1 comment:

  1. Ayn Rand appeals to college kids by giving them a complete philosophy that presents answers in the stark black and white format they crave while being totally in opposition to the faith of their father. Nineteen year old kids have not accumulated sufficient life experience to realize that real people do not act like they do in Rand's novels.
