Tuesday, May 08, 2012

Growing electronics

Magnetic bacteria may help build future bio-computers! If that were so, "your computer has a virus" might be an even more disastrous diagnosis than it is now. Instead the BBC story suggests that one can use bacteria to grow electronic components. After all, if the bacteria can grow little crystals of magnetite, can't they be induced to grow larger structures? Think slime molds and go nuts.

Of course further down in the story you read about bacteria making tiny parts of disks-- presumably tiny read/write heads--without details about how you persuade them to add coils and electrodes.

Details, details.


  1. I love, love, love stories like this. I really wonder what this field will look like in 30 years, if I should live so long.

  2. It has a Dungeons and Dragons flavor to it.

    Yet, like machines, simple life forms don't get bored doing the same thing over and over if that's what their program says.
