Sunday, September 23, 2012

Jesus and "wife"

I saw the story about the text fragment, and it seemed a bit odd (4'th century or 2'nd? What gives?) so I searched around a bit. I should have googled for the principals instead; it would have been faster. Karen Leigh is on the Jesus Seminar, an organization that rewrote the gospels by voting every verse with miracles or authority "off the island" (almost as though they had an agenda). Round file.

I know that even the devil tells the truth from time to time, but some groups have earned the reverse of "benefit of the doubt." If a Muslim Brotherhood rep wants to talk about Jewish conspiracies, I have better things to do than listen. (If he wants to talk about food prices that's another matter.)

It is a big deal to set that kind of default, and I try not to do it lightly. Political differences are too low a threshold to trigger it; though "How can you tell when a politician is lying?" isn't as huge an exaggeration as we'd like.


  1. I didn't even bother, which is close-minded of me. But you saved me the trouble by connecting it to Jesus Seminar. Begging the question, from start to finish. C.S. Lewis's opening chapters of Miracles still apply.

  2. I quickly read an article about this, but it sounded a little hokey. I tried imagining how such a thing could have remained completely unmentioned in any of the Gospels. Just doesn't pass the smell test. It's great Dan Brown territory, though.
