Sunday, July 07, 2013

Tribal sacrifices

AVI notes that "climate change" is a "social truth:" something one is required to believe to be part of the tribe, even if it is not obviously connected to the definition of the tribe.

Youngest Daughter noticed that "climate change" demands sacrifices to make sure the sun comes up correctly. The Aztecs ripped out hearts: we're more benign (I think), war on coal suffices. Freezing is much gentler, I suppose.

The Mayans were more honorable. Most of the time they had to provide their own blood, and only occasionally sacrifice some neighbors.

1 comment:

  1. Recycling is a daily oblation as well. But they mostly get off easy. The words you say matter more than your actions, so long as you stay away from the symbolic sins. You can jet around a lot of places, but don't buy a Hummer.
