Sunday, August 25, 2013

Abstracting conversation

When we "chat" or blog we abstract our communication to just words, and I'll bet that there are a few formulaic aspects to the words that we aren't conscious of.

So when you meet the other face to face for the first time, I suppose you might recognize them, but there would be new channels open for the first time.

It couldn't be the same, unless the communication was one sided. Would it seem the same?

With Skype you hear the inflections and pauses that make up one of the missing channels, so it would be more nearly the same.

I've been in phone conferences with colleagues that I only met in person later. They sounded the same, and their gestures did not surprise me, but there was something more to being with them in person. Something that made it easier to interact, ask favors, make suggestions--much easier than by phone or by email.

1 comment:

  1. I continue to find skype conversations difficult. Of course, I don’t like even the telephone for any emotional or social content. It’s a business instrument. Once can use those media with wit and warmth, but they remain ill-suited to full communication, as far as I’m concerned. Clearly I am in a minority in this. I don’t imagine I am unique, however.
