Friday, November 04, 2016

A courtesy

Don't ask people how they voted. It is rude--why is a secret ballot any of your business? I don't think it's a good precedent to assume that that kind of information is available on demand.

On the flip side, I don't need to know who you voted for--or who you retroactively voted for now that you know the result. It's generally virtue signaling or prompting (I showed you mine, now you show me yours), though for ancient history it could be just background. Maybe you think you know what my motives are in picking one Senator over another. AVI would say that I probably only have a fuzzy picture of that myself, and that a lot of our reasoning is ex post facto rationalization.

I have, in the past, explained why I deprecated one candidate or another. (That's shooting fish in a barrel this election--and everybody else has done it already.) I doubt that I persuaded anybody, but I tried, and persuasion is part of the game. But still, don't ask. The man with the 6' Trump sign probably didn't vote for Jill Stein. Don't ask. (Do you floss every day? Don't ask. Boxers or briefs? Please don't ask.)

This year's presidential election I think shows even more clearly the value of this little courtesy.

1 comment:

  1. I'm flying my colors proudly this year because:
    I know women who are afraid to tell their husbands for whom they voted
    I know women and minorities who have been harassed at the polls
    I'm using my voice for all my friends who can't use theirs because of
    a) work constraints
    b) family pressure
    c) fear
    I know people for whom threatened violence has become real
    Jesus said, "Who is your neighbor
    finally, because it gives others courage.

    My vote may be secret, but my passion for equality and justice must bear witness.
