Friday, November 11, 2016

Daylight Savings Time

I think the rabbit doesn't like it.

Does anybody have some numbers for how much energy/time/lives-lost-in-night-accidents we're supposed to save with this bi-annual jetlag?


  1. I confess I am not entirely confident that our Congresscritters realize that Daylight Saving Time doesn't actually save any daylight. I suspect if you polled them, a double-digit percentage would agree with the statement that DST makes the days longer.

  2. I don't recall the reasoning behind it but I do remember the effect it had on the earlier morning wait for a streetcar on State Street in Chicago while the wind off the lake felt like tiny ice pellets being driven into the skin. Vowed after leaving that city that I would never complain about the cold again. That, however, was before I had the experience of living a few years in tropical Africa. James Bellinger's sister, Pat
