Friday, December 29, 2017

Random notes

Walgreens has Marvel Fantastic Four Body Wash for sale. I suppose the target group is young kids, though I wasn't aware that young comic fans went in for body wash in a big way. What does this team's endorsement convey to an adult? Will you have skin that looks like Thing or that feels like Human Torch?

Eldest Son told me that one of the fragmentary plays from ancient Greece had been "completed" by a modern writer. I asked him if this qualified as "fan fiction." He said he'd already thought of that, and asked for a verdict on the matter from the Protectors of the Plot Continuum. (They said it was a middle ground; probably have to look at it.) I gather from him that reworkings of old plays are often seriously anachronistic.

The Milwaukee Public Museum had an exhibit on weapons, and one of the last displays held a wheel-lock pistol with 2 wheels on one barrel. I didn't remember hearing of such a Roman-candle-esque device, but there it was, and it shows up in the history of firearms. I wonder how often the first charge over-compressed and went off spontaneously after the outer charge was fired.

1 comment:

  1. No, what I said was that the translation of The Frogs in that bluish paperback copy of Aristophanes included Dionysus interrupting the medley starting with Aeschylos' Myrmidons (the one with the word translated as "striking") to say Aeschylos had struck out. The trilogy is here.
