Thursday, June 06, 2019

Qui bono?

Quite a few states are legalizing or looking at legalizing marijuana. From my vantage the process looks coordinated. Perhaps this is purely grass-roots (if you'll pardon the pun), but I suspect the lobbying groups' funding might bear inspection. Is this "big tobacco" or some other group?

Is it a coincidence that the CBD oil hype hit about the same time?

My take on legalization is that we have more than enough problems with alcohol abuse; we don't need a new crop of addicts--even if (as is loudly asserted) its addiction is less destructive than alcohol's.


  1. If you let the camel stick his nose in the tent, soon the whole camel will be in the tent. I think that in spite of the claims people make, legalization of pot is a bad idea.

  2. Anonymous11:47 AM

    Marijuana is largely harmless. I have been using it for over 50 years and I have no addictions at all.

    I have grown and used my own stuff almost exclusively. I have bought very little and enjoy the growing process, both outdoors and indoors.

    Alcohol is powerful and dangerous drug I have stooped using as the benefits are completely overwhelmed by the harm it causes. Its a poison and is converted into a seriously worse poison so the liver can deal with it. That is hard on the body and mind. Its also caused a huge amount harm throughout history.

    Marijuana ... not so much. ;)
