Sunday, July 28, 2019


Tomorrow I'll be 64.

AVI has thoughts about changes in life direction as one ages.

I moved from physics to IT several years ago. I'd been doing pretty much entirely software and support anyway when the old jobs went away, and this way I could stay near family. More recently I've been writing more--how successfully remains to be seen. (Nobody was buying novellas last quarter.)

I set myself a retirement test (it involves the Putnam) to see if I still have the fluid intelligence for the job. So far so good.

Then what? (an old question) I'm not really my own, and God put a number of surprises in my life already, so I can't say with any confidence what will be the focus of my life two years from now.

I know I have a deadline. There's some evidence that heredity is going to have a major impact on my later years.

I still think a major human need is to be needed. But that doesn't really apply to babies. And, whether we like it or not, to the infirm and dying as well. I suppose I need to be open to letting other people be needed--by me.

In between now and then--we'll see. I need to do some pruning, though.


  1. If you mean writing fiction, I have liked the snippets I have read. If you have something longer, I would be interested, even though I am only rereading fiction these days.

  2. Thank you. I'm finding that it is easy to write something short, but hard to write something long. I make an outline and find that I have to depart from it within a few pages.
    I've a few short stories, a novella (mystery set on the moon) and something I wrote for the youth group that turns out to be very hard to get useful feedback on. It seems youth group leaders/workers are very busy... a "background for the faith"--stuff that doesn't get covered, like "how we got here=church history"
