Sunday, September 08, 2019

Psych studies

Go have a look at Graph Paper Diaries' summary of "what we know now" about some famous psych studies and cases. Of the four cases she mentions, 2 studies were not reported on with integrity, 1 was the most dramatic of 19 and therefore the eyeball-catcher, and the Kitty Genovese murder wasn't what the textbooks say it was.


  1. In the immortal words of Weird Al Yankovic, "Everything you know is wrong/ Black is white, up is down and short is long/ And everything you thought was just so important doesn't matter/ Everything you know is wrong/ Just forget the words and sing along/ All you need to understand is everything you know is wrong!".

  2. Sometimes it seems that way. Of course, a lot of rebuttals are also wrong.
