Saturday, December 14, 2019

Jumping the gun

Quanta posted an article claiming that all the laws of physics could be derived from symmetries surrounding particles of different spin angular momentum.

Except that if you read the article carefully you find that there are different possible spin-0 elementary bosons, and the spin-2 that is supposed to give general relativity (the graviton) has never actually been discovered--and last time I heard there were some issues with calculating its interactions. I don't think the cancellation they refer to is the one I heard of. And no spin-3/2 particles either. And the "case where there are multiple types of the same massless spin-1 particle" isn't constrained, as far as I've heard--there might be other options than SU(3) in theory.

It has been a "holy grail" in some circles to try to show that the laws of physics are inevitable--that this is the best of all only possible worlds. The article's claim seems premature.

It would be fun if it were true, of course. We've got dark matter and maybe dark energy that need some explanation.

UPDATE: Some writers are much harsher than I

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