Tuesday, September 08, 2020

Campus Covid

A number of universities re-opened to inperson courses and promptly re-closed. The cynical sorts opine that UW will try to stretch in person past the two-week full refund deadline, but I suspect the UW wouldn't be allowed to take advantage of that. It's a state school, and at odds with the legistlature from time to time.

Lab courses demand in-person presence. Science and engineering labs are, except for the intro courses, populated by students intending to take a rigorous course of study--presumably taking their studies seriously. Could this population be enriched in students who take social distancing rules seriously?

Did any of the universities try to break down the covid case spikes by major? I know HIPPA rules might make that complicated, but it would be interesting. Can you open the university for grad students and STEM majors safely?