Tuesday, October 06, 2020

Signs of the times

AVI has been counting presidential election signs in and out of cities, so I thought I'd toss in some data points.

In Madison and my town Biden dominates, though here and there a Trump sign survives. In the countryside, Trump appears 2-5 times as often. In Algoma (population a bit over 3000), Biden appears twice as often as Trump. Parts of the town are trendy. It has its own Bahai group--in a town of 3000!--so it may not represent small towns well.

The Menominee reservation had very few signs, and they were all Biden--or "Pow-wow the vote" signs, usually in conjunction with a Biden sign. I wonder if they had some tribal discussion on the matter.

Most signs are standard issue, but some are home-made, especially ones about vets, and those are often fairly creative.

I don't think the democrats are going to make Hillary's mistake this year. Back in 2016 I recall rather few Hillary signs--almost as many old Bernie ones. This year they're pushing hard.


  1. I live in a smallish town far out in the intermountain west. This is a red state (hardcore red state).

    Yesterday, a Trump/Pence sign went up at the end of my street. It didn't last two hours before it had been disappeared.

  2. Native Tribes are often dependent on government help. Alaskan natives are 90% Democrat
