Tuesday, January 26, 2021


I received a form letter asking if I wanted to take part in a study: "We are studying how a certain diet that is low in certain kinds of amino acids, called branched-chain amino acids, changes body weight and blood sugar."

OK, that sounds perfectly safe, right? They forgot to put in anything about necessary/unnecessary...

"you would replace two meals per day with protein shakes that are either missing the low branched-chain amino acids or protein shakes that have normal amounts of amino acids. You would drink these shakes for about 60 days." That's quite a commitment. I assume it's ok to celebrate somebody's birthday in there. Well, two birthdays, and maybe Easter too. And a few dinners with some friends. And I'll be _really_ hungry, so snacks in moderation are OK too, for some definition of moderation, right?

You see, the study is looking for male volunteers who are overweight.

I'm glad I'm not expected to analyze the results.

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