Tuesday, July 13, 2021

Who told them this was a good idea?

A Lego gun? It's a Glock encased with panels that look like Lego blocks. Lego has demanded that they cease, and as of today they have (having sold fewer than 20). Naturally the news stories play up the notion that kids will think it a toy and shoot themselves, etc, etc. The sheriff's office is only quoted as calling it "concerning," though I imagine they could elaborate at length if the WaPo allowed it.

It isn't a useful tool. Imagine trying to get that snaggy thing out of a holster. It's a grownup's toy. And it looks like a kid's toy. Some will be stolen, of course. So now: You're a cop, and a suspect teenager turns and points this thing at you. Choose quick--is it real?

I gather there's a federal law to keep toy guns from looking real--so kids don't accidentally spook people and get shot. This is the opposite--but the same sort of idea applies.

1 comment:

  1. The STUPID was STRONG in whoever thought that was a good idea!
