Saturday, October 02, 2021


"The doors of the library were nuzzled open and a white horse walked in. ... The historians paid him no attention. Horses did not walk into libraries." Thief of Time by Terry Pratchett

“I think I have not found any authoritarians on the left because if there ever were any, most of them have dried up and blown away….” wrote Bob Altemeyer.


  1. I haven't run across that book, I shall have to look for it.

  2. I did notice a glaring (but likely unintentional) inconsistency with Hogfather. In Hogfather, Susan was trying to stop the Auditors from reducing the peoples of the Disc to what C. S. Lewis called "mere trousered ape[s]". But in Thief of Time her lesson with the clock seems to tend towards turning her own students into that.

  3. @Sam L. I thought it fun.
