Thursday, November 25, 2021


I grew up far from extended family, but we always took the opportunity to give thanks. Perhaps my memory fails me here, but I don't recall the pilgrims ever being on stage at home--at best they showed up at school. In my home the focus has generally been on family and food, but with a good side of what we're thankful for now. No ancient history, either good or bad.

I see that some (e.g. the columnist that Althouse referenced) want to tip the day on its head: "don't give thanks, be angry."

You can always find something to be angry about. It's a great thrill to pass judgment.

It's also dangerous to your soul. And maybe Uncle Keith votes the wrong way and is an aggressive vegetarian and thinks you married a slacker. On the other hand, he also took care of your cousins when his sister and her husband were in that terrible accident, and he makes a wonderful lentil chili, and his daughter is a wonderful painter. Can you find something to be thankful for? No?

Maybe it's easier if you have Someone to be thankful to.

1 comment:

  1. People are complicated, even those who worship at heathen shrines.

    Just for fun I decided to look at TvTropes' list of U.S. Presidents and their favorite foods (under the Real Lie tab of their Trademark Favorite Food page). Did you know George Washington liked ice cream, or that Andrew Jackson was a big fan of cheese and beer? Or how about that Ulysses S. Grant loving pickles for breakfast, or Ronald Reagan's love of jelly beans?
