Tuesday, February 08, 2022

Spectral Evidence

Trigger warnings, traumatizing speach, microagressions--We've seen this movie before. Entirely subjective evidence is taken as gospel to destroy the new witches just as it was used to destroy the old ones.


  1. Anyone who is that easily traumatized by something is someone who can't function in the real world.

  2. @ Mad Soprano - and thus must force the world to conform to their needs.

    @ James - the belief in Spectral Evidence in the 17th C is usually described in purely religious terms now. But it was related to some ideas in the scientific arena of the time. there was a belief that Nature Herself would accuse the guilty, thus regarding the emergence of red blossoms or fruit centers on previously pale growth was regarded as evidence that some violence had been done. Deformed piglets were considered proof of bestiality. It was a favorite topic to explore over a decade ago, and those interested in reading more about it can enter the search term "wyrd" in the AVI search bar.

  3. It should be noted that when the people of Salem calmed down and realization hit them, they repented.
