Wednesday, July 13, 2022

There might have been an easier way

From the Personal Memoirs of U. S. Grant, as spotted by my daughter:
Bragg was a remarkably intelligent and well-informed man, professionally and otherwise. He was also thoroughly upright. But he was possessed of an irascible temper, and was naturally disputatious. A man of the highest moral character and the most correct habits, yet in the old army he was in frequent trouble. As a subordinate he was always on the lookout to catch his commanding officer infringing his prerogatives; as a post commander he was equally vigilant to detect the slightest neglect, even of the most trivial order.

I have heard in the old army an anecdote very characteristic of Bragg. On one occasion, when stationed at a post of several companies commanded by a field officer, he was himself commanding one of the companies and at the same time acting as post quartermaster and commissary. He was first lieutenant at the time, but his captain was detached on other duty. As commander of the company he made a requisition upon the quartermaster—himself—for something he wanted. As quartermaster he declined to fill the requisition, and endorsed on the back of it his reasons for so doing. As company commander he responded to this, urging that his requisition called for nothing but what he was entitled to, and that it was the duty of the quartermaster to fill it. As quartermaster he still persisted that he was right. In this condition of affairs Bragg referred the whole matter to the commanding officer of the post. The latter, when he saw the nature of the matter referred, exclaimed: "My God, Mr. Bragg, you have quarrelled with every officer in the army, and now you are quarrelling with yourself!"

Bragg was "thoroughly upright," and holding down jobs reflecting a possible conflict of interest. It sounds to me as though he also had a sense of humor as he tried to avoid the appearance of evil.


  1. I suspect Bragg was creating a paper trail so that he could avoid the appearance of self-dealing. If he as quartermaster had just approved the request by him as officer, it could look suspicious. Creating a request packet for a higher officer to approve is the obvious way to resolve the issue.

  2. Exactly. And it's funny too.
