Tuesday, December 20, 2022

Dickens might have a word to say

“If they would rather die,” said Scrooge, “they had better do it, and decrease the surplus population.

I don't think the ghosts that will haunt us will be nearly as benign as Scrooge's


  1. They keep saying that these things are dignified, and compassionate, and maybe they are. But I recall Sigma Chi's shouting "PARTY!" every few minutes when things weren't launching well, and a woman I know who tells me that she is a kind person, and any number of people who assure me that they are smart , or hardworking, or whatever. I always think "If you have to keep announcing the virtue, is it really true? Isn't that like standing in the Temple court or on the streetcorners rather than going into your prayer closet?"

  2. "Et Satan conduit le bal." ("And Satan leads the dance.") -- Mephistopheles, Gounod's Faust
