Saturday, April 29, 2023

Maritime oddity

Today's Maritime traffic has a very odd feature: from about Ecuador to French Polynesia is a purple column of what is mostly classified as "Pleasure Craft" (without a name). One suggestion I heard was "Maybe a race?"

UPDATE: Douglas2 found the answer, in the comments below. Thanks!


  1. I have got to know the answer to this.

    Though as we ourselves have discussed over the years, James, I will probably be satisfied, rightly or wrongly, with any plausible-sounding narrative, just like all those others I look down on as being less thoughtful.

  2. OK, I clicked on enough little purple things until I found one with a vessel name, the Sonrisa II from Australia. That led me to a blog which at least recapped their set-off point and destination:

    Punta Mita to Hiva Oa

    Searching that led me to some Latitude 38 magazine articles, early ones from the late 90's just noting the phenomena that the "Annual wind and weather patterns in the eastern Pacific Ocean make the months of March, April, and May the ideal time for sailors to cross from the West Coast of the Americas to the exotic archipelagos of French Polynesia.", later articles making a sailing rally for those doing the trip and wanting to participate.

  3. That is so cool. What the heck am I doing in Oklahoma?
