Friday, July 14, 2023


A wise note from "National Apostasy"
As to those who, either by station or temper, feel themselves most deeply interested, they cannot be too careful in reminding themselves, that one chief danger, in times of change and excitement, arises from their tendency to engross the whole mind. Public concerns, ecclesiastical or civil, will prove indeed ruinous to those, who permit them to occupy all their care and thoughts, neglecting or undervaluing ordinary duties, more especially those of a devotional kind.

Of course this also can be taken to extreme--"Am I my brother's keeper?"--a community implies some involvment and responsibility, though there's radical disagreement on how much.


  1. Yes, the Biblical reference is to an actual brother; and even there, perhaps there are limits.

  2. And you may need to fight for your community--one of those uncomfortable responsibilities.
