Thursday, September 28, 2023

The Gardener

Jesus told the parable of the gardener: “But the gardener answered, ‘Leave it alone sir, for this year too; until I dig around it and put in fertilizer, and if it bears fruit …’ “

I’ve heard it used to explain God’s patience with us, and that’s certainly part of it. But it also warns against inferring things from prosperity. Maybe if everything’s coming up roses for you, it isn’t because God’s so happy with you, it’s because the gardener is giving you one last chance.

1 comment:

  1. "On The Consolation of Philosophy" By Boethius reflects on fate, and the belief that fortune is like a wheel. That earthly success and good fortune is not the same - indeed, may not even be related - to God's favor has long been known in the church. And yet we keep going back to the belief anyway. If God loves us he will give us success; if we have no success we conclude God does not love us. It is about as primitive a theology as we could design, yet somehow we cannot escape it.

    Which makes me think of another post...
