Monday, January 22, 2024


The word on the street is that if you want to publish fiction, you'd better have 3 books in the can with a plan to write more. One book by itself shivers with little attention, but each in a series advertises the others.

So. Unfortunately I'm not sure how to solve the problem I dumped on the hero.

1 comment:

  1. Earl Wajenberg at my site is a sci-fi writer, though he mostly edits and discusses with other writers what to do. Identify yourself and he might have some clever ideas.

    He is originally from Chicago and took his undergraduate degree in physics and his master's in History of Science. He has a daughter with autism who is unevenly fighting her way to a Master's degree but has not yet made it out of the first semester, or not entirely. He comes to pub nights most Thursdays. His favorite sentence opening is "Have you ever read..."
