Friday, March 15, 2024

Unexpected finds

We opened her car's hood so I could help youngest daughter replace a headlight bulb. Over in the opposite corner, near the A/C, we found wedged the bulk of a sandwich roll (one chunk soaked with water, the other parts dried crispy). The last oil change was a few months ago, but the bread wasn't moldy at all.

I hope this didn't reflect a culture of over-rushing work at the repair shop. I wouldn't care to eat while working on an oily car.


  1. When a neighbor was putting out stale doughnuts daily as a smorgasboard for our local bears (He liked to attract them to watch them frolic) we found that a smaller animal thought our engine compartment was the ideal spot to establish a doughnut hoard.
    If we drove more than about 10 miles, the car would smell like caramelized sugar.

  2. Could have been a squirrel, I suppose, though the chunks were pretty big for one to carry.
