Sunday, April 14, 2024

Prince Caspian

While checking a pacing question, I read a bit of Prince Caspian last night(*). It was never my favorite--the kids didn't have much to do except issue an improbably accepted challenge, and the long flashback was offputting the first time I read it. This writer explains more precisely. It's better than the movie, which is a low bar. I get the attempt to illustrate "You need not fight in this battle; take your position, stand and watch the salvation of the LORD in your behalf" sort of ideas, but it doesn't make for a very interesting story.

At any rate, the answer to my pacing question is that I have a bit of revising to do.

(*) Bronchitis makes composition, or much of any creative work, hard.

1 comment:

  1. I liked the part where they were figuring out that this was Cair Paravel. I also liked the tension between Lucy and the others about following Aslan.

    I suppose it is my least favorite of the seven and some of the points are well-taken. But why he expects the structure of all seven volumes to be entirely present in the second book seems unrealistic. Look how much of LOTR had to be retrofitted.
