Monday, July 22, 2024

Trying to imagine

This time when I read Psalm 97:5 "The mountains melted like wax at the presence of the Lord, At the presence of the Lord of the whole earth," I looked at it differently.

From the point of view of the mountain, what's the presence of the Lord like?

This would differ a bit from what happens when a human encounters the Uncontingent, since there's no mental or moral component.

The verse speaks of melting, and the first thing you think of is heat, and energy--infinite energy here. If I'm a mountain, and face infinite energy, I suppose I'd melt. And boil. And...

But think about what being a liquid means. Each atom isn't just right there in some crystal, it moves--it can be here, then there, or somewhere else a fraction of a second later.

OK, suppose I am a mountain in the presence of Someone to whom all possibilities are known, and are present in some sense. I've got crystals here and there, but with a slightly different history they might have been in slightly different places. If "mountain me" partook, however slightly, in that knowledge of the possibilities of myself, I would know myself as "not quite fixed," with every part as unstable as water among all the "could-have-been"s. Sort of like melting.

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