Monday, September 14, 2020

Vote shenanigans

Trucking voters in Liberia: "Photojournalist Sando Moore was sitting at home Friday when he got word that loads of buses had begun trucking residents from Monrovia to Bomi County."
John Forkpah, 28, who is a native of Jorquelleh District in Bong County and had spent three years in Monrovia since his graduation from the William V. S. Tubman Gray High School in Gbarnga, was on board the NTA bus on Friday. He said Moye had invited them in Gbarnga to register to vote for him in December. “We are supporters of the Representative Moye and we decided to come Gbarnga to vote for him. He sponsored our trip to Gbarnga,” he said.


Peabody said they were promised US\$ 50,00 by the Deputy Speaker to come Gbarnga to register to vote for him. “Rep. Moye promised to give us to US\$ 50,00 if we come to register to vote for him in Gbarnga,” he said.

"Before we arrived in Gbarnga Senator Yallah had already booked a guest house for us to pass the night. He gave us US\$ 30.00 after we showed our voters card to him, he (Elizabeth Collins !) said."

Clearly being a senator is lucrative there too. \$30 x N voters seems like a largish investment for the area. You'll notice that some of the people are originally from Bong and some aren't.

Their vote harvesting seems to involve more transportation than ours does.

I'm regularly instructed that there is no vote fraud in the US, or not at a significant level--almost nobody is ever convicted. I gather there is no adultery in Wisconsin. It is a felony but I never hear of anybody being convicted.

Update: I forgot this quote. "We are marching to Zion, the beautiful, beautiful Zion, we are marching all the way to Zionnnn….the beautiful city of gold”, they sang while clustered at the back of a pick-up.". I don't know if the "gold" was because the reporter didn't hear it right or the singers had something else on their minds.

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