Saturday, July 13, 2024


As you can probably could guess from the previous post, we went to the Milwaukee Art Museum yesterday. Other people with you notice different things.

Some pictures tell a story, such as Grutzner's The Catastrophe and Waldmuller's The Interruption.

Others illustrate a story, and need explanation, such as Brocas' The Death of Phocion. I didn't recognize the situation in the picture, had no idea who it was, and had to have the story explained (in the label at the side). We explained the Sacrifice of Isaac to a young woman.

Others do neither, like Jawlensky's Landscape. Sometimes the technical aspects of a modern work showed considerable skill and care, but often they didn't.

Many things, such as much of the glasswork, had no meaning and didn't need it--they were just fun to look at. Which is pretty much what I usually want.

1 comment:

  1. "The Catastrophe" looks like one of life's little events which doesn't seem funny to the people at the time, but years later they look back on and laugh.
