Tuesday, November 21, 2023

Just a smidgeon more research

BBC has a puff piece on using bamboo in construction in Europe. Why isn't it used more? The article says a big reason is that we don't know how--what are the load characteristics, etc. A quick google search finds that it has durability issues, and needs chemical treatment to keep it from rotting easily or being eaten by beetles. "Treated bamboos must not be burned; the gases of such a fire are toxic. Bury them in the ground, away from wells."


Assistant Village Idiot said...

But, but, bamboo is cool. And using it shows that "so-called primitive societies know much more than we do about...stuff, and it all goes to show how bad colonialism was."

Korora said...

With apologies to Puddleglum: They ARE chaps of one idea, aren't they?