Friday, April 08, 2011


I don't seek out the political news, but the breathless headlines that Trump was high on the list of Republican candidates for president were hard to avoid.

Do we really need another vanity presidential candidate? Given the precedent, I'm not sure Trump would take the job unless he was promised not just a Nobel Peace Prize but the Physics Prize and an option on getting to be the next pope.

1 comment:

kyp Belligerent said...

I'm staggered by the lack of viable Republican candidates. They seem to rise in popularity by mere name recognition. Religious oddities like Santorum and Huckabee, parodies like Bachman and Palin, chronic philanderers and non-politicians, punch lines and has-beens. I don't understand why these are the best options to come forward as far. Not that the Democrats have anything better to offer, since I believe their current plan is "4 more years of Obama."