Wednesday, June 14, 2023

The sower and the lamp

My Bibles conveniently divided Luke 8:4-18 with headers: "Parable of the Sower" and "Parable of the Lamp." So guided, I thought the parable of the lamp had to do with how visible God was in your life.

It wasn't until this morning when a fellow asked "What did Jesus mean by "take care how you listen?"" that the light went on. It's all one explanation.

How do you listen? In one ear and out the other (suitable for advertisers, politicians, and other known liars). Summarize as you hear; meditate on what you hear; critique as you hear; try to multitask; think about something else instead of listening.

The application to the different soils is obvious. The fruit comes to those whose mind is not just open to the word (light) but those who make it important.

So what's the lamp about? I think it's about the inside--what's in our mind. What do I do with the word (light) in my own mind? Put it up for observation or bury it under other stuff? Sooner or later what happens in my mind is going to show up outside--in actions, or fruit, or lack of fruit.

I think it all fits together. I feel pretty silly for not noticing before.

1 comment:

Assistant Village Idiot said...

I never noticed it either, but it makes sense. It may be that Jesus tended to tell them nearby in various sermons as he moved about, or it may be that the disciples or at least the writers of the Gospels sensed the connection. Either way, it looks like the Holy Spirit associating them intentionally.