Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Kidney stones

I've been a bit quiet lately. Well, moaning and groaning some, but quietly. I had a nice long visit to ER, a followup the next day to a Urologist, and then a "procedure" today: laser lithotripsy. I can't complain: compared to the kidney stones the soreness left behind is minor (seems urine is alkaline, and so all too frequently I wind up singing soprano).

The hospital is very careful--lots of low-tech (read "reliable") crosschecks to make sure that the right patient gets all the right steps done and gets operated on on the correct side. I had to give my birthdate a dozen times. A nurse said that yesterday the father of a 4-year-old went ape when the nurses kept asking the same question over and over again. But its such an easy safety check...

The urologist was very good--I'd never had somebody lay out a CAT scan before and explain it.

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