Sunday, July 17, 2011

Do they pay attention at all?

The Sun Prairie farmer's market is rather small--typically less than 30 stands. One stand in the far row offered "Free Range Eggs" for \$4.50/dozen. I'm still trying to figure out how that works: it sounds rather Sisyphusian and suggests extreme negligence on the part of the hens. The claim they really meant to make is quite unverifiable, but never mind that and take a look in the near row. Two stands less than 20 feet apart offered "Organic Eggs", one for \$3.50/dozen and the other for \$2.50/dozen. The stands were on opposite sides of the row, so each could see what the other advertised. Decisions, decisions. Should we ask if they'll match a competitor's price?
We went with "None of the Above" because we'd already bought some from a farming friend for \$2.25/dozen.


Sandra said...

$2.25 a dozen? Did she raise her prices?

james said...

Yes, a couple of months ago.