Saturday, August 17, 2024

Making air travel an adventure

Air Maroc damages runway at Roberts International Airport: "the plane landed on both rear wheels, but shortly after, the left wheel veered into a muddy grass patch adjacent to the runway. This caused damage to several runway lights, which are already sparse at RIA." ... "the pilot did not report the incident to the control tower or airport authorities" ... "passengers on board the aircraft were unaware of the incident" ... "before its scheduled departure, significant debris was found on the runway" ... "aircraft remain grounded until further notice."

The photo shows no obvious damage to the landing gear, but lots of grass and dirt in its mechanism. Something invisible is probably bent.

Yes, the pilot's failure to report is bad, but the passengers not noticing is also rather startling--the plane ran off the runway and destroyed some lights; is that just something you expect with Air Maroc?


Grim said...

An old friend of mine traveled in Pakistan for a while about thirty years ago. I don’t know if it’s still true, but as at that time he said Pakistan Intl Airlines didn’t have a safety demonstration. Rather, in that same space of time, they played a recorded prayer to Allah.

james said...

I remember flying Air Afrique to Liberia from Brussels. It stopped in Senegal, where they took out the life raft--probably to put it in a flight going back to Europe where they check on such things.