Friday, August 02, 2024

Olympic tempest

Drag queens (those I've seen pictures of) create a caricature of femininity and mock it. The point of mockery is to offend. They were used in the Olympic tableau to mock and offend. So I conclude the the Olympic organizers' non-apology's claims that they regret that people were offended and that it was meant to be "inclusive" are both false. This would remain true whether or not the designers were as innocent of Western art as they imply they were.


Korora said...

What was it Screwtape said about intentionally giving maximum offense and then getting mad when offense is taken?

Donna B. said...

In mocking femininity, are they not also mocking masculinity?

james said...

Not as such, no, though possibly they might also be mocking men who focus on fashionable superficialities.

Donna B. said...

Okay, but then I have to ask if it's not fashionable superficialities of femininity that they are mocking?

Perhaps they are protesting the fact that men gave up the frills and high heels centuries ago?