Monday, February 06, 2012

A place for not quite everything

They replaced the billboard last Friday, probably because the lease was up instead of because the subject was unendurably silly. A 20-something woman used to sit yoga-like beside some boxy shelving full of clothes and fabrics and oddments with the overall title "California Closets Will Make You Happy."

I rarely see an ad fatuous enough to make its buried assumption explicit: "X will make you happy." Being that clear gives the suckers a chance to decide whether the proposition is really true; hide the hook and they may not notice.

And then they made the mistake of showing a sample closet. In winter. In Wisconsin. Maybe in LA you can get away with such miniscule hanger space, but in places where you get a little weather it is nice to have space to hang up your coat and some heavy shirts. Those tend to hang a little wider than silk blouses.

And then I noticed that the closet wasn’t shared. The woman was all alone in the picture.


Assistant Village Idiot said...

Ah, but you notice reality. Many advertisements are constructed to get people to conclude something unrealistic.

Texan99 said...

Ha. You must not struggle very hard with the problem of physical chaos in your home. Getting a closet organized makes me surprisingly happy. Just looking at someone else's serene, orderly closet can make me happy, even if it's an ad. I find the billboard very funny, about like a TV ad I saw some time ago showing a father with his son in a toy store, suddenly struck dumb by a full-size display of a brand-new car on the shelves -- looking as if he'd just been struck by Cupid's arrow. Of course it's poking fun at what jazzes us. But dissing a California closet -- now, that's going too far!

james said...

You should see our living room. There's a large plastic bin full of various plastic freezer and leftover boxes that don't fit in the kitchen. The bin gets hauled to our bedroom when we have company.

And I was just building shelves for one of the closets this week...