Sunday, September 08, 2024

Amusement for a little while

I'd never heard of BunaB before. The instruction sheet for the BunaB #7 is reproduced at SamuelJohnson's site, together with links for images for the board and instructions for the Zudirk game (BunaB#2). ("ZUDIRK is a modern adaptation of a game believed to have originated on the Scilly Islands, off the coast of Cornwall, England, centuries before the arrival of the Romans. A favorite sport of High Priests of the Druidic cult, it was originally played outdoors, the implements--burning tinder, heart-shaped boulders, stone adzes and condemned criminals.")

Well, over a million Pet Rocks sold--and apparently they're still selling. Why not BunaB?

Over the years I've bought a number of things that never were used--some substantially more expensive than these novelties.

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