Friday, September 13, 2024

Tis the Gift to be Simple

"Unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven."

I'll not try to unpack all of that, but one thing little children are good at is "being in the moment." Not for long; steadfastness is not one of the frontline virtues in a child. But there's something admirable in the pure enjoyment of the taste of icecream. The flip side is the pure horror and rejection of the abomination of cottage cheese. Oh wait, that's me as an adult.

A rainbow to me as an adult isn't a "pure thing": it recalls the other rainbows I've seen and made, and who I was with, and other memories fun and sad. A bath is a simple sensual pleasure, and maybe it recalls other baths and other oceans. But it isn't perfected by having the radio play Carmen while I'm eating a fudge sundae. Adding too many other related pleasures can detract from fully enjoying any of them.

Our pocket shrines help keep us out of the moment, of course, but so (at least for me) does the "narrator", the "drunken monkey stung by a scorpion". And neither is good for steadfast concentration and enjoyment.

I need to work more on "doing one thing at a time."

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