Wednesday, June 11, 2003

Using Linux/Mozilla/Blogger

I hear the praises of MoveableType and other tools for blogging, and if I composed at great speed I don't doubt that these would help. However, I compose more slowly than I type as a rule, and so I find it no great hassle to toss in the HTML commands as I plow along.

I don't use anything sophisticated for text composition: just vi or nedit. When I think I'm done, I log into blogger and cut/paste my deathless (undead?) prose, click Post+Publish, and log out. Of course, there's a slight catch.

Blogger has a little problem with RedHat (6.1-7.3) + Mozilla (1.1-1.3) which I figured a work-around for. The composition window has several frames, one of which has the text input region and the Post/Post+Publish buttons. If I enter text in the text window, eventually it scrolls and so do the buttons! They don't scroll back, either. So I right-click on the text-input frame and open that frame in a new window. In that window the buttons don't scroll away forever, so I can paste my text in without losing the ability to Post.

Then I have to remember to update my index posts :-)

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